In this blog I will take you through my personal experience of moving to Denmark. I will also share my observations on Danish cultural peculiarities and reflect these insights back to the Croatian society.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Danish Self-Censorship and Islam
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Freedom of speech: Are Danes taking it too far?
Freedom of speech, the thing that made Denmark infamous in the world when the "Mohammed" cartoons were published by the Jyllands Posten back in 2005. They weren't much better at the beginning of this year when the same news media published an article about corona with the Chinese flag that had the particles of Corona virus on it. A day later Chines embassy contacted Jyllands Posten and demanded an apology and that their modified flag be removed. Neither happened, on the contrary, Danish government sided with Jyllands Posten saying that the freedom of speech is everybody's inalienable right and that everyone can exercise it as one sees fit. So the Chinese didn't get their apology. Are they taking the freedom of speech a tad bit to far? The other day I saw a status by one of my ex-colleagues, where she inquired, how is it freedom when you are insulting religious feelings of a certain group and in consequence potentially causing harm? Shouldn't other people have the freedom of not being the receivers of harm? How is it appropriate to mock the biggest pandemic the world has seen since The Spanish Flu? Nobody considers it funny anymore, including Denmark, but they will say it was still a good joke at the time.
Well, no matter these considerations, this is how their society works. Everyone has the right to say whatever they want, nobody will prevent them, but if they break any other laws while doing it, they will be adequately punished.
There was one bizarre example during their last parliamentary elections. One extreme right wing candidate that was running for parliament, Rasmus Palludan, as a part of his campaign, went to the neighborhood with a majority of people with Islamic religious background and he started spewing all sorts of vile insults he could find on them. Couple of police officers protected him, he had no supporters present around him and later he ended up in jail for his little performance because he went across the boundary of hate speech. The point is that no matter how extreme his political views are and no matter that by doing it he was breaching other laws, his right for free speech was respected.
Are Danes going a bit too far with it? I have a pragmatic take on it. If we would limit the free speech with taking into consideration that nobody gets offended, we could barely say anything and sometimes I get the feeling that this is the direction where the world is heading.
I will give one benign example. I have one opinion that I know stands out from the majority. I dislike Christmas. That holiday never resonated with me well. To have a part of the year where everyone just goes on an spending frenzy and suddenly becoming do-gooders, which they are not for the rest of the year. I just find the whole holiday a bit fake and forced. But I will stop here because this is not the point of this blog post.
The point is that, if we would limit the freedom of speech by saying that one is free to say what one wants as long as it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings, or that it doesn't offend anyone, we would become unable to voice our opinion about things as benign as the one I just offered. I am sure that there are people out there who love Christmas and who could be potentially hurt by my take on Christmas. Should that be enough to prevent me from expressing it? I think not, that would be too extreme.
And then there is the case of people like Rasmus Palludan. Should his freedom of expression be limited because of what he has to say? I don't think so either, because people with extreme political views are present everywhere and repressing their freedom to express their opinion would not accomplish that these opinions would go away, it would just suppress them in the underground but they would still be there. The difference would be that not a lot of people would know about it and how strong they are but with freedom of speech, public is informed about them. We know who are they, where they are and how many of them there is. And knowing is always better than not knowing. So, no I don't think that Danes are taking it to far. There is an unexpected twist to their freedom of speech but I will cover that next time.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
How to tame your teachers
But let's start from the beginning. When I just started with language school, there was one teacher who was always starting her classes in the way that was foreign to me. She would present the topics of today's class with "I was thinking maybe we could..." or "I suggest that today we...". After she would present it she would ask "if everyone is ok with that?"
That confused me a bit. I wasn't sure why is she asking for our blessing. None of us in class knows Danish and that is the reason why have we came to school, we came to learn. On the other hand, she is the teacher, she is the professional. I assume that she has the knowledge and the tools to teach us. When it comes to knowledge and expertise, in the classroom students and teachers are not equals. The teacher know and have the tools and students don't. And, I assume that she has the tools and the knowledge to teach me danish because she is the professional.
Then there was Rita. Rita is a very popular Danish TV show about a super cool school teacher. TV show is about her private life but also about the school life and some problems that both teachers and student are facing. While it is fiction and the TV show does exaggerate a bit, but in essence it does portray what is going on in Danish schools. What is going on in Danish schools is at least a bit chaotic, a bit of education and 0 upbringing. From the perspective of values, Danish students can learn that bullying teachers is institutionally approved, that having no respect for others is also approved and that whatever you do, there will be no consequences for your actions.
Here is the most extreme example. In one episode a student mounted a blow up sex doll on the ceiling of the classroom and the teacher was completely powerless to do anything. The only thing he could do was ask the student politely to take it down, which he refused. As that student was the class leader, he started throwing pebbles at the teacher and the whole classroom followed. At that moment the teacher couldn't take it any more so he got up and went out of the class. The student that started it all went after the teacher saying: "You can't touch me, you can't touch me!" In the end, the teacher couldn't take the bullying anymore so he stops, turns and slaps the student, which in the end leads to his dismissal from the school. Do not get me wrong, of course that was very unprofessional from the teacher and he had it coming, but how come that he was powerless do do any form of disciplinary action before the situation completely went out of control?
But ok, it was just a TV show, so at that point I didn't want to jump to any conclusions. Fortunately I didn't have to. Two weeks ago I had a chance to talk to a teacher and he in essence confirmed everything I have been seeing and hearing. The teachers indeed have no tools to bring order into classroom if it starts descending into chaos.
I asked him: "Let's say that someone starts causing a mess during the class, what can you do in that situation in order to put a stop to it in that moment?"
The answer is... nothing. You can politely ask him to stop and if he doesn't, you are powerless. The best thing you can try to do in that situation is to turn the class against him. So you can hope that the rest of the class wants to participate in a lesson and that they will enforce the discipline because you are not allowed to do it. So instead of giving teacher proper tools to enforce discipline in the class, teachers are in the complete mercy of their students and if they can resort to any tools it is subtle manipulation? Sounds like a good recipe to bring out the worst in people
Teachers can do certain things but only after the class, not during the class. They can go to the principal office and call in for a parents-school-teacher-student meeting and try to talk some sense into the student and/or the parents but there is a distinct possibility that they will be dismissed. A number of parents in Denmark is bold enough to question the teachers ability to teach, the teachers ability to choose work materials and instead of trying to educate or up-bring their kid, they will defend his/her unruly behavior and teachers again, can do nothing against it.
Of course that the teachers are not perfect. I had my share of bad teachers and there wasn't one of my ex students who didn't experience at least one bad teacher while they were in their study years. So there is something to keep an eye on. With that being said, teachers are still the people who spend a lot of time with children. In Denmark, maybe even more then their parents spend with them. Don't they deserve at least the basic human decency? Why are schools fighting against bullying among students but allow bullying of teachers by students? At what point did students became the untouchable holy cows who demand royal treatment from others but can treat others like garbage without any consequences? And I am at a total loss to figure out how is that in any way helping with their education and upbringing? Is being disrespectful indeed became a positive value in the modern world and if it did, when?
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Railway as a reflection of society
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Corona, corona, corona
With corona party ramping up, corona measures started ramping up as well, with an increasing number of them having no to little sense. I need to be fair and say that one did make sense. Use of face-masks is now necessary in all public transport and that one did make commuting easier. Before face-masks were obligatory one had to make a seat reservation for every train ride. That was causing a lot of problems in daily commute because sometimes you just couldn't get the seat reservation in the next hour. I was kicked out of the train at least once because I couldn't get a seat reservation and I had no plans of waiting for more then an hour.
But at this point reason goes on holiday. As the number of newly infected started to ramp up it was clear that new measures are on the way but boy were we in for a surprise with the brilliance of the new measures.
Sneezing in restaurants and Copenhagen night life
After bombastic announcements of the looming Prime Ministers press conference everybody was on the edges of their seats and then she said that... night life in Copenhagen is problematic and that it needs to be controlled. In order to do that restaurants, cafe bars, night clubs and bodegas must close down at 22 in the evening and not at 2 in the morning as it used to be. Another measure implemented is the usage of face-masks in restaurants, cafe bars and bodegas. Face-masks need to be used only while standing. Once you sit down, you can take the face-mask off. Let's say that a person has corona but he is asymptomatic. That person will still be able to spread corona in the restaurant since he still can sneeze, cough and spit unobstructed after he sits down.
Second brilliant measure is the suggestion how to limit socializing. The suggestion is to cherry pick 10 people with whom you want to socialize and restrain yourself from seeing anyone else all they way up to next spring because winter is coming immune systems are going down and corona will be extra successful while spreading so we need to limit it. Makes sense right?
Well not quite because by that count nobody could socialize outside of work or education with anyone all the way until the next spring. Luci would use up her quota on her co-workers and I use up my quota on my fellow language school students. So, if we want to be corona-responsible we should not socialize with anyone until next spring.
Honorable mention from Croatia: keep the music down and play Vivaldi
Croatian crisis headquarters - a temporary body in charge of implementing all the corona measures came up with a new creative measures to keep the spread of the virus. They are suggesting to keep the music down. When you lower the loudness of music people have less need to be very close to the person they are talking to. So in essence, the quieter the music, the better social distancing is. But that is not the only brilliant conclusion they have reached. They have also issued the list of "corona songs". So allegedly some songs are better to play if we want to keep the virus from spreading and of course that all the songs on that list are classical music pieces. I love classical music and listen to it often but I just don't see who will play Vivaldi in a cafe bar or a night club.
As I said before when I was writing on corona. I am in no doubt that the virus is here, that the precautions are necessary and that we need to make adjustment in our everyday lives. But these measures are just ridiculous. To me it looks like the countries are implementing them just because they need to do something since it is getting worse but they are not sure what. On the other hand, countries are unwilling to go back to the full quarantine mode because it is too disruptive to the modern way of life. But there still are simple measures that could work: implement obligatory usage of face-masks in all closed public spaces, everybody who can work from home, should work from home, switch all education online. I do not understand why something like this couldn't work? I assume there are smarter people then me making those decisions. Hopefully I will continue to enjoy my Vivaldi at home only.
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Plan me in advance 'cause I am busy
After you move to Denmark, you will have a lot of challenges to overcome if you want to socialize with the locals. First of all they are a little skittish and hard to talk to in public spaces. There is a lot of them, but they keep their head down, are absorbed with their devices and they like to keep their distance. Even if one manages to overcome the first obstacle, their language is hard to understand and even harder to speak as a tiny mispronunciation can lead to complete misunderstanding.
While working, which is their favorite activity, they want to talk work but they are hard to extend work relationship outside of the work place. And after they leave the work area, if they are not in public spaces they are unusually hard to find. It is like they disappear. If you are really hell bent on socializing with them, you need to find them first without invading their private residences because that will make them even more skittish. So where are they hiding?
Most likely they are hiding in some organized union involved in some activities that people in the union find fun. So, next logical step is to think about your favorite activity, google it, find out if it exists in your place of residence, see where and when it is being organized and go there.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Insurance insanity
Two weeks ago on a Wednesday I had an opportunity to witness an event that was completely blown out of proportions, at least in our case.
The building where we currently live has a basement with a garage and in that basement residents have storage spaces that belong to the apartments. Most of those storage spaces are completely full. They look like there is enough stuff inside that their respective owners could completely equip one more apartment.
But our doesn't and that is the most important thing in this story. Our storage space is almost completely empty. The stuff we used to keep in our storage space is the following:
- 4× car tires
- 2x bike tires
- 2x canisters of stuff used for the balcony maintenance
- couple of moving boxes
- one dirty ancient blanket that was in the box
So, one weekend Luci calls me after a short day at work and says: "Our landlord just called. There was a flood in our basement. Can you please come done with the key for our storage unit. We need to empty it so they can clean it."
So, I went down and was expecting a total disaster in the basement. And then there wasn't any. I mean there was, a bit. The air had a wonderful sewage smell but everything was looking as it usually does. So I thought, ok there was a bit of a sewage spillage but obviously it wasn't a lot since the drainage took care of it. We came to our storage unit and the co-owner of the building was there. He told us what I expected. Sewage spilled a bit but the drainage took care of it, so other then the lovely smell and a bit of poop on our car tires there wasn't much else.
And then he started talking to Luci about the insurance. He said that she should call her insurance to see if they would cover for the damages. And it wasn't something mentioned once, no he was grilling her about it for good twenty minutes. I was seriously surprised with that. While he was saying it, we were standing right next to our storage unit, that stood there as empty as I described it, with the only things that can be reused being the tires and the two canisters but all of that can just be rinsed with water. At a point I started thinking that the man must be blind since we are standing, now, right next to our almost empty storage unit while he is ranting about insurance covering for the damages. Damages of what? Plus even if we did have something of value in the storage unit, it is his building in which we live and where the sewage failed, so it should be first and foremost his responsibility to cover for the damages and not ours.
So, at least 20 minutes of my life went on that pointless rant. But unfortunately, Luci took him seriously and she called her insurance company and she started asking: "how much did you pay for the bike tires, how much did you pay for the car tires...etc"
After approximately half an hour and her call being rerouted three times or more, she finally came to her senses and said: "I am not doing this. We will rinse the tires and the containers with water and put them back and we will throw out everything else" So we did that.
But truth be told, we should feel lucky that we are not hoarders and that there was nothing of value in our storage unit. I do feel for other residents. Most of the other storage units were full to the top. And all that stuff smelled beautifully and some of it got damaged. They should hope so that the insurance will cover for it.
Minimalism for the win!
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Feed meeee, for I am starving!
So, we went to the "Danish Amazon" first and then to her friends place. And it was great, all of it! Randers Regnskov was a very unique experience and the conversation with her friend is always interesting. He is very insightful and sharp. We were sleeping at her moms place and we arrived there late, around 23:30. Even though it was a great day, I went to bed starving. The last time I had something to eat was around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. It was the first thing we did when we arrived to Randers Regnskov.
Why was I starving later? I was starving because the arrangements we made with her friend and her mom did not explicitly include eating. So no one offered and I didn't ask so I went hungry.
But why didn't I ask for food you might wonder? Well, one part of the reason is personal, I am a bit shy and I do not want to be an inconvenience to others. Other part is cultural. I come from a culture that is all about hospitality towards your guests. When you visit someone in Croatia after a minute or two of small-talk you will be shown to the room where socializing will take place and after another minute or two you will be asked what will you have for a drink? Even if the deal did not include food, there would be snacks and the host could ask you if you want to eat something real.
During the whole visit you will be catered all the time. The hosts will be serving drinks, snacks and food and they will be taking away used up plates and glasses. Guests in Croatia are treated as kings. Last summer when we visited my parents, at the beginning my girlfriend had a bit of a hard time with that custom because she is used to help out with stuff like that, especially with the dishes after the meal is over. So hospitality customs in Croatian and Danish cultures are very far away from each other.
When you are visiting Danes it can vary a lot based on what the arrangement is. So, on the day when I went starving, the arrangement was that we are going for a VISIT at her friends place. It was meant to be just talking. We came, we started talking, it was very cozy and engaging but we were not offer anything at any point, 0. Except for going hungry I was starting to get dehydrated as well. For me it was the first time at his place, so I didn't want to impose. My mouth started going seriously dry when finally my girlfriend popped the question: "Can I get something to drink?" It was a life saver!
In the evening it was the same at her mom's place. We came late, we agreed on the sleep-over. We did talk a bit, but not too long and we went to bed... and I was starving.
It is completely different when you arrange dinner plans. Then you will get a complete service, very nice meal and drinks, served table and the only thing that will be expected from you will be to help out with putting the table away after it is done and to help out with the dishes. You will definitely not go hungry. On the contrary, when dinner plans are put forward in advance, Danes are very hospitable. In most cases they will go out of their way and not only prepare food and drinks but they will go that extra mile to make a cozy atmosphere. Which is actually the moment where they will surpass an average Croatian host. Hospitality in Croatia is all about a nice food and drinks, good company and making the guests feel welcome but hygge is definitely not a big thing.
So, to conclude. When it comes to hospitality Danes are a bit split. If you arrange it in advance for a specific activity, prepare yourself to be amazed but otherwise brace yourself for a potential intermittent fasting. Which in it self isn't too bad if it lasts up to 8 hours but it is definitely not hygge.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Take a Panodil and stop pestering us!
P. S. I will appologize to all the doctors who are commited to their job and patient care.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
The ocean
But then, last year I finally managed to make that wish come true. While we were on a visit to Al'Shaddar's mom, we had a bit of extra time, so we went to the place called Hvide Sands that lies on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, or as Danes call it the Western sea. As we were getting closer you could see the power of the ocean on the environment that surrounds us. Vegetation was getting scarcer and scarcer and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. Finally! We parked the car behind some slopes. The ocean is on the other side! Just a short walk away. They looked almost barren. There was some vegetation but it was mostly grass and moss, no trees or bigger bushes. As we got out of the car it was immediately apparent why. Because of the wind. It was constantly blowing and blowing hard. And I guess it is like that thought most of the the year. Every step on our short walk to the coast was a struggle. We only had a bit of relief from the wind when we were close to the slope, otherwise it constantly felt like it wants to tear off the skin from our bones. No wonder the vegetation was scarce, life here is a constant struggle against the wind. The only ones that were having a blast were seagulls gliding effortlessly on the wind, everything else is just fighting not get ripped of the ground.
The trail was taking us in between the two slopes when it happened. The ocean opened up in front of us in all it's beauty and power. It was just like the movies, except for the wind that was constantly trying to knock us of our feet, but everything else; open sea as far as the eye can see fusing with the clouds on the horizon, spotless white sandy beach, waves breaking on the shore in powerful whooshes, so big that you could walk for at least ten meters closer to the water when the wave is receding. A unique experience indeed, testifying to the power of the nature. I felt so small and insignificant at the shores of the Atlantic ocean.
Our path was taking us right under one of the three windmills that were just chugging away at the coast. Allegedly, windmills can't be constructed close to the populated areas because of the noise but even when you are standing directly under one, where the blades look like they will split you in half, it doesn't sound too loud, the ever-present wind is still much louder.
I wanted to stay for a while, to soak up the experience but shortly after the magnificence of the ocean dials down, it is quickly becoming tiresome. Because the wind is relentless, it just constantly feels like it wants to blow you away from the beach.
There were a couple of logs lying on the beach, where we found a bit of shelter but even there the wind won't let you be in peace. After 15 minutes, we have given up and acknowledged our defeat to the wind and we started on our way back to the car.
The experience was breathtaking and inspiring and very, very windy. I am definitely glad that I did it but I wouldn't like to spend my holidays on the ocean. On the other hand, I heard that Skane is beautiful...
Sunday, August 16, 2020
A walk through Danish past: Frilandsmuseet
Our summer holidays during the weekends continue. A month ago we went to Frilandsmuseet that is located at the outskirts of Copenhagen.
Closet beds
Sea weed rooftops
Faereo Islands houses
Hay beehives
Sunday, August 9, 2020
In public spaces they just go about their business with serious looks on their faces. Only emotional expressions that you can see are gentle smiles on people when they are talking to someone on the phone or while looking at their phones.
My friend from the language school told me a story about her neighbor. One day she went out of her building and she met her Danish neighbor. She said hi, while he told her that he had lost his dog. While he said it, he had a stone face with no emotional expression it while uttering the sentence in a perfectly flat way, 0 emotions. She commented, but how can he do it that way, he must be dying inside? And he is, they all are but they are culturally drilled not to express them.
But, when we are talking about public spaces, I can understand that to a certain extent but I am completely perplexed with the fact that they carry that behavior patterns to their home and private lives.
On multiple occasions my girlfriend told me that one thing she loves about me is that she can have an emotional fit and that I will not take it against her. And that makes her everyday life much easier because she doesn't have to keep her emotions in until she boils over but she can slowly vent them out whenever. That way she can feel a lot more like herself at home.
I was confused by that and told her that I don't see how else should it work. It is our home after all and if she can't be herself at home, which includes venting emotions, where else could she do it? And that was me assuming too much. I assumed that at home nobody needs to keep their emotions in check including Danes. It is after all personal space, where all the masks and social roles are off and you can be yourself without any of that baggage. But, it seems I was wrong.
Even in Danish intimate relationships it is not ok to be overly emotional. For example, if your partner has an annoying habit that you really dislike and you tried to explain it a couple of times in a calm and composed maner to stop it, it is not considered as appropriate to tell him, in a harsh tone of voice and a bit louder: "You will fucking stop doing this or else!"
As I said, I was taken a back with that, so I asked what happens when it comes to the point that you want to bash his/her head into the wall (metaphorically of course). Allegedly at that point, you buy a nice bottle of wine and when your partner comes home you tell him in a steady and composed voice: "Honey, we need to talk," while deep down inside you want to kill him, because you are about to explode.
Then the discussion about relationship problems can start but the couple will still try to keep their emotions in check. But at least in this situation they may start flying a bit and people still can get angry.
I will admit my bias coming from a country where expression of the emotions isn't suppressed, on the contrary. When your partner notices that you are acting a bit strangely, you will get a question, is everything ok? In some cases it may lead to a discussion and emotions may fly high but things will be settled after.
I must say I am questioning how healthy it is to keep your emotions constantly suppressed. We are all humans and we all have them and it is not possible to deny them.
But then, Danes outsourced that part to the professionals. Going to psychologist and couples therapy is quite common in Denmark. But that is a topic for another post.
I will conclude this post on a personal note. When you take too temperamental Dane and a bit too cold Croatian you get a couple in which both sides are thriving because emotional expressions are welcome but they don't fly too high.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Tropical Rain-Forest on Danish Plains: Randers Regnskov

I must say that I was skeptical. Rain-forest in Denmark? It sounds impossible... ok not impossible but it will obviously have to be in some type of the building and if it will have to be in some type of the building, just how large can it be? That was my thought process as we were driving there and to be honest, I was preparing myself to be disappointed... but then I was surprised!
The domes

Big cats are kept outside in decently big habitats that are, just like the aquariums, decorated in a way that displays human destructive power. There are oil barrels spread around together with deforestation equipment. Unfortunately we didn't see the hyenas.
Randers Regnskov did an amazing job by motivating people to reflect on humanity and our influence on the nature especially with the aquariums and the cats habitats. One gets a great approximation of what the nature would look like if we just stayed away and at the same time how we influence it in reality. By either destroying natural habitats for our own needs or by just being careless with our trash and our CO2 emissions. If we continue to act the way we do, soon there will be no more natural habitats for the animals to live in but a lucky few will be able to live in places like Randers Regnskov.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Cultural differences part I: time and cycling
Take on time
Danes are all about punctuality when it comes to appointments of any sort. Danes are not late, for anything ever. There is no difference between going to work, doctor, cafe with a friend or a party. If they are invited, let's say at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, they will be there at 5 o'clock no questions asked and they will go out of their way to make it on time. If an appointment can't be reached in the agreed time it is a cause for a lot of stress and it is considered disrespectful to the host (in case it is a party or a dinner date).
Croatians have a bit more relaxed take on time in general, but they are also making a distinction between appointments that are considered serious and appointments where one can be a bit more relaxed. Work, doctors appointment and similar type of other appointments is taken seriously and one is never late for those but when Croatians are meeting friends or going out being up to 15 minutes late is acceptable. Thing that best explains Croatian take on time is actually on universities. Being late for a lecture for up to 15 minutes is acceptable in most cases and it is called an academic quarter. So, when you are meeting a Croatian and he is late, don't get angry, he is just invoking his right to an academic quarter
This is one of the cultural moments where these two societies stand starkly apart. In Denmark cycling is a way of life, in Croatia it is hobby for enthusiasts. Being a passionate cyclist in Croatia is not easy, sometimes. Bike lanes are few and most often bad. Sometimes the only way to go is to break the law because it is impossible to follow it. Plus, Croatians have a lot of excuses why not to use a bike. Some of the reasons are: it is either too hot, too cold, it is raining, one doesn't want to be sweaty on work etc.
In Denmark, where weather is much worse, people are cycling all the time be it rain, snow, hot or cold. And almost everyone cycles, young and old, parents, politicians and businessmen. Every apartment building has bicycle parking space, bike lanes are everywhere and weather is always good enough for cycling. No weather is too bad for cycling, one can only be improperly dressed.
Monday, July 6, 2020
This is the most common definition of hygge and this one comes from Merriam-Webster online dictionary. But still, what does hygge refer to?
- Danes: pleasant activity or event = That was hygge
- Croatian: unpleasant activity or event = Curse the shit out of it
Sunday, June 28, 2020
The long days
Monday, June 22, 2020
Bad teachers and language learning
The tragedy of Croatian educational system is that bad teachers that unfortunately work in schools, like my Italian teacher, are not uncommon. While I was working on university I was talking to my students about it often and there wasn't one student who didn't encounter at least one, sometimes more teachers who were like that. The problem is that, as I was joking around, when you get a permanent employment contract in Croatian schools, you can get fired only if you kill a student or arrive into the classroom naked. How it is in Denmark, I cannot say. My experiences for now were positive but very narrow in scope to make an assumption on a bigger scale.
Sunday, June 14, 2020
High living standard
Sunday, June 7, 2020
How to kill a Croatian
2. Thou shall not sit on a cold or wet surface without one layer of protection!
3. Thou shall not leave the apartment with wet hair!
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Why should foreigners take labor unions more seriously
One time my girlfriend asked me: "But why would foreigners agree to work under bad conditions and be under-payed?" The answer is simple. Because they don't know what does it mean to be under-payed in Denmark and because their living standard is dramatically improved by accepting even the underpaid job in Denmark.
Take my example. On my current job I am earning three times more compared to what I was earning by working on a University job in Croatia and my working conditions have never been better. Now imagine what will be the difference in the living standard for someone coming from Somalia, Syria or Afghanistan? By even taking the heavily underpaid job their living conditions improved a hundred fold not three times. That is why and that is why they are prone to exploitation and that is why labor unions are important.
By moving to Denmark and not being a citizen the best protection you can get is by being a member of a labour union. If you are an EU citizen, you can stay in Denmark as long as you want if you are working and paying taxes. Then you are set. By being a member of a labor union you can give yourself that one extra layer of protection for the most important thing that is enabling you to live in Denmark, work. Plus, labor unions will be able to help you out with your salary, to double-check that you are not being cheated, to help you out with working conditions, overtime work and protect you from being fired on a whim. If work is the key element that enables you to live in Denmark adding an extra element of protection to it, can't be a bad idea.
Also if you are debating with yourself should you or should you not be a member of the labor union, you need to understand that the reason why you have great salary, a lot of vacation, 37 hours working week and great working conditions is because through the 20th century labor unions fought for it and they won because all the workers knew that the only way to achieve this is by standing united. And because of that, workers from all the countries, join! You have nothing to lose except for poor working conditions!